How To Eat An Artichoke


Artichokes are actually flowers. They are a nutrient- rich, meaty, mild tasting delicacy. The full size bloom must be well cooked and only the base, or heart “meat” is edible. The tough petals and the “choke” (the fuzzy hair-looking spikes) are not eaten.

Young little baby artichoke varieties can be eaten with the inner tender “choke” and leaves. They are popular in the Mediterranean area, especially Italy, and usually eaten quickly sautéed, grilled, pickled or tempura coated and fried. 

At Lucy’s Pie House and Grill, we cut the previously cooked artichokes in halves and remove the “choke”. Exposing the meaty part allows the butter and seasonings to soak up inside the petals while caramelizing over the fiery hot grill.

  • To eat them, start by pulling the outermost petals, one by one. A little bit of the “meat” should detach with it. Grabbing the petal by the tip, place the bottom part with the “meat” between your teeth, and without clenching them completely, pull away so that the meat is scraped inside and eaten. Discard the tough petal. Repeat this process with every petal, dipping them in the Mustard Garlic Aioli or any other preferred dipping sauce, if wanted.
  • Once all the petals are finished, you are left with the meaty base or “heart”. Cut this part with your fork and knife to bite size portions and also dip them in the sauce. If the stem is stringy, it’s best to discard it.

FUN FACT.- Artichokes have a mild taste, similar to broccoli, asparagus and celery. After eating a bite of it, try drinking water. You will be surprised to find that the water will taste like if it had sugar in it. They contain a compound called cynarin which affects our taste buds. For that reason, wine pairing is difficult and usually not recommended. At Lucy’s we suggest our Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio, but expecting it to acquire and interesting fruity sweet taste for a minute. It will amaze you!

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6 months ago

Love this Blog post.
Gracias Lucía!!!!!

5 months ago

Great Blog since many don’t know how to eat 👏🏻

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